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Jewish high holy days, also known as the Yamim Noraim, are the most significant events in the Jewish calendar. These days are a time for reflection, introspection, and repentance, as well as an opportunity to renew one's commitment to living a meaningful and ethical life. The high holy days consist of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. These days fall in the autumn, typically in September or October, depending on the Hebrew calendar.

Rosh Hashanah is a two-day celebration that marks the beginning of the Jewish year. It is a time for reflection on the past year and an opportunity to make resolutions for the upcoming year. Jews attend synagogue services, hear the sounding of the shofar (a hollowed-out ram's horn), and enjoy festive meals with family and friends. Yom Kippur is the most solemn day of the Jewish year. It is a day of fasting, prayer, and repentance. Jews spend the day in synagogue, reflecting on their actions over the past year and seeking forgiveness from God and others they may have wronged. The day ends with the sound of the shofar, marking the end of the fast and the conclusion of the high holy days.

The period between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is known as the Ten Days of Repentance, or Aseret Yemei Teshuva. During this time, Jews are encouraged to make amends for any wrongs they have committed and seek forgiveness from those they have hurt. The goal is to enter Yom Kippur with a clear conscience and a commitment to living a more ethical and meaningful life in the coming year.

Another important holiday that falls between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is Sukkot. This seven-day festival celebrates the harvest and commemorates the forty years that the Jewish people spent wandering in the desert after leaving Egypt. During Sukkot, Jews build and decorate temporary shelters called sukkot, which represent the huts the Israelites lived in during their time in the desert.

The final holiday of the high holy days is Simchat Torah, which celebrates the completion of the annual cycle of Torah readings. On this day, Jews read the final portion of the Torah, then immediately begin reading the first portion again. It is a joyful celebration, marked by singing, dancing, and revelry. The high holy days are a time for Jews to reflect on their past deeds and commit to living a more ethical and meaningful life in the coming year. Whether through prayer, fasting, or acts of kindness, Jews use this time to seek forgiveness and make amends. By doing so, they hope to enter the new year with a clear conscience and a renewed commitment to their faith and community.

High Holy Days  5785/2024

RSVP Links for Events

Sept 28 - Selichot Dinner and Service - Selichot Service and Dinner - Event - Temple Anshe Hesed (                                                                                                                                             

Oct 2 - Erev Rosh Hashanah Dinner - Rosh Hashanah Congregational Dinner - Event - Temple Anshe Hesed (                                                                                                

Oct 4 - Second Day Rosh Hashanah Lunch - Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Services and Lunch - Event - Temple Anshe Hesed (            

Oct 11 - Kol Nidre Family Dinner and Service - Kol Nidre Gesher Family Dinner - Event - Temple Anshe Hesed (  

Oct 12 - Break the Fast Community Dinner -  Break the Fast Community Dinner - Event - Temple Anshe Hesed (

Oct 18 - Vegetarian Potluck following Sukkot Shabbat Services - Vegetarian Potluck following Shabbat Services - Event - Temple Anshe Hesed (  

Oct 20 - Pizza in the Hut - Pizza in the Hut - Gesher Event - Temple Anshe Hesed (                                                                                     

ParkingAll congregants and guests are asked to use the Temple Parking Lot before parking on the road. We will have overflow parking available at First Alliance Church on Zimmerly Road with shuttle service to the Temple at the following times:

Eve of Rosh Hashanah (Oct 2nd) - From 6:15pm-7:15 and after services 9:00pm             
Rosh Hashanah (Oct 3rd) - From 9:15am -10:15 and after services at 12:30pm
Kol Nidre (Oct 11th) - From 6:15pm - 7:15 and after services at 9:00pm                                             
Yom Kippur (Oct 12th) - From 9:15am-10:15 and after services at 12:30pm           
                                   *Please contact the Temple office prior to Friday, September 27th to reserve a handicap parking spot if you have a handicap placard for your vehicle. 814-454-2426.

Prayer Book Pickup - In order to enhance the home worship experience, Temple will offer the option of borrowing a set of High Holiday prayer books. Prayer book sets will be available to pick up on September 23rd through the 26th at the Temple office from 9am-4pm. If those times do not work for you, please call to make other arrangements prior to those dates. A refundable deposit of $50 (check or credit card) is due at time of pickup and you will be required to fill out a Book Loan form at pickup. Prayer books MUST be returned to the Temple office by November or your deposit check or credit card will be charged at that time. 

Guests Visiting

Congregants needing special assistance should call the Temple office. We will do everything we can to make access to the Temple as easy as possible for you.

In order to create a welcoming atmosphere, we will not be issuing Guest passes for services. We will, in an effort to maintain a secure environment, require you to inform the Temple if you are bringing a guest or are visiting as a guest. If you will be bringing a guest, PLEASE submit the name(s) to the Temple office so we can give them a proper welcome! For everyone’s safety, your guest’s name must be on the list in order to attend.


Please click on the YouTube link to join us via livestream for all in-person services that will be held at the Temple during High Holidays

High Holidays Torah Covers Fundraiser

We have commissioned 7  Holiday Torah Covers for both our permanent and portable arks. They will be used during our High Holy Days as well as the various Holiday services throughout the year. If you would like to dedicate one of the Torah covers in honor or in memory of someone the minimum donation is $3,600. There will be a dedication sewn into the inside of the Torah cover.

There are only 4 covers left available for dedication.  Local fabric artist Deborah Sementelli created these beautiful covers!

If you wish to participate, scroll down to the High Holy Days Congregant Information form below and fill in the fields under "HHD Torah Covers." If you need assistance, contact the Temple office.


High Holy Days Prayer Book Dedications

This year we are offering the opportunity to dedicate a High Holy Day Prayer Book to a loved one. The dedication will be put in the front inside cover of the prayer book. This can be done in memory of, honor of, appreciation of, or in celebration of someone.

One book is $40 and two books are $55. If you dedicate two prayer books, your dedication will appear in one Rosh Hashanah and one Yom Kippur prayer book.

Please scroll down to the High Holy Days Congregant Information form below and fill in the fields under "Dedicate a HHD Prayer Book." Thank you for your gift to Temple and to whom you are dedicating the prayer book !


 Roll of Remembrance, Flowers and HHD Greetings

At Anshe Hesed, one of the ways our loved ones live on is by remembering them and by having their name(s) listed in our “Roll of Remembrance” used at the Yizkor service on Yom Kippur afternoon and at the Festivals throughout the year. A form is located on our website at the link below, on which you may list the names that you wish to have included in our “Roll of Remembrance” booklet. Any contribution that you should choose to make in connection with this effort will be greatly appreciated and will help us to defray the cost of printing the booklets. If your loved one already has a perpetual memorial, their name is automatically included in the Roll of Remembrance.

During the High Holidays, flowers have always been a special part of services. We have a long tradition of adorning our pulpit with floral arrangements. We will continue this tradition with your help Please consider making a contribution to the High Holiday flowers of Chai ($18) per name that will be featured in the service booklet for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

There is also opportunity to honor and remember loved ones throughout the year by contributing to the Temple Anshe Hesed Flower Fund. A contribution to this fund also helps off-set the costs associated with  live-streaming. When there are no flowers, we will instead dedicate the service to your loved ones when you make a donation in their name. Contributions to this fund can be made to memorialize the Yahrzeit of dear ones or to commemorate a birthday or anniversary. Contributions may also be made for other happy  occasions, such as B’nai Mitzvah celebrations, weddings, baby namings, get well wishes, etc. Each contribution is $18.


As is the Anshe Hesed custom, we would like to include all members of the Temple family in the Rosh Hashanah greetings. Each greeting is $5.

We need to hear from you by Friday, August 25th in order for your   family’s greeting to be included in this year’s September newsletter which is the month of High Holidays.  Any received after that time will be published in October’s newsletter.


High Holy Days Fundraisers, Donations and Greetings

Please fill out the form below to donate to the flower fund, Roll of Remembrance,  send your HHD greetings, dedicate a HHD prayer book or purchase a HHD Torah cover. If you are a current member, please make sure you are signed into your Temple account before filling out the form. If you need assistance with signing in, please contact the Temple office, (814)454-2426. If you are a friend of Temple, please simply fill out the form and follow the prompts to the payment page. You may purchase more than one item in the form and the total will be given at the end of the form after you are complete.

This form is not active.


Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785