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Mission Statement & Goals

The educational program for Temple Anshe Hesed is committed to fostering and instilling a Reform Jewish identity through lifelong educational experiences in a comfortable and inclusive environment.


         The Goals of the Gesher Program include:

  • Fostering Jewish identity through formal and informal learning experiences, family education and worship, Jewish values, and observance of mitzvot;
  • Encouraging lifelong study of Torah, religious practice, history, literature, and the Hebrew language
  • Promoting spiritual and personal relationships with God through prayer and worship
  • Establishing an inclusive, welcoming, caring, and compassionate community that models, teaches, and validates diversity;
  • Creating connections with the land of Israel, its people, and its history; and
  • Embracing and integrating the spirit of K’lal Yisrael (Jewish unity throughout the world)

Sunday School Programming

 Gesher -Religious School / Hebrew

Gesher is a 2 hour religious educational program ranging from Pre-K – 10th grade on Sunday mornings held from September – May. Hebrew Education outside of the Gesher program is geared towards 3rd – 7th grade during the hour that follows Gesher on Sunday mornings. The Hebrew program is supplemented by a Distance Learning Program that includes a 1 on 1 tutor session 2 hours a month scheduled at the convenience of the student, family, and teacher.


In our Madrichim program teens support the Religious School by assisting as a teacher’s aid in the classroom or working in other school capacities such as a Hebrew tutor. This program offers teens the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills. There are limited spots available for Madrachim. If you are post- Confirmation (11th &12th grade) and are interested in helping in this capacity, please contact the Coordinator.


The Gesher Program uses the Chai Curriculum, formulated by the Union for Reform Judaism and distributed by Behrman House Publishers. Lessons may be enhanced with art, music, and special projects as researched by the teachers.


The students of Gesher bring in monetary donations, Tzedakah (charity money), throughout the school year. Their donations come from loose change they may have to money they have earned from doing chores at home. All students have input and vote where they feel their donations should best go to help a non-profit organization. Below is a list of organizations that have benefited from our student’s Tzedakah.

Emma’s Footprints, Humane Society of NWPA, St. Jude, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Isreal Guide Dog Center, West Ridge Fire Department, Spearman's Youth Development Center, JCC of Erie Holocaust Bus Fund, Make a Wish Foundation


Rosh Hashanah

Yom Kippur


Simchat Torah


Tu B'Shavat




Kol Nidre Family Dinner

Special Events

Gesher Shabbat

Throughout the Gesher school year each class leads a Friday night Shabbat service.  This is a very inspirational service full of “ruach” (spirit).  The students share a D’ var Torah as well.  This practice of sharing a Torah thought has been done through speaking their perspective, sharing a poem, or sharing an illustration.  Gesher Shabbat is a building block that instills experience and confidence in our students to lead services. 

Tot Shabbat

Tot Shabbats are services geared towards families with young children. This interactive Shabbat service is full of storytelling, song, and dance engaging the entire family in T’filah. This welcoming, relaxed, and upbeat service gives families of our very youngest congregants time to connect and foster new relationships. The family friendly Shabbats are followed by a family friendly dinner enjoyed by all. Temple Anshe Hesed schedules 3 Tot Shabbats a year during November, March and May with dinner at 5:00 pm followed by services at 5:30 pm.

Camp Gesher

Temple Anshe Hesed offers a one-week Jewish Day Camp during summer vacation.  This camp allows our students that are too young for Jewish Overnight Camp to deepen their Jewish connection as well as retaining their Hebrew knowledge.  Each year there is a different camp theme that engages the students in learning as well as Tikkun Olam.  The week long program ends with a family friendly Shabbat that is enriched with the student’s experiences from Camp. 


Temple Anshe Hesed offers a one-week Jewish Day Camp during summer vacation.  This camp allows our students that are too young for Jewish Overnight Camp to deepen their Jewish connection as well as retaining their Hebrew knowledge.  Each year there is a different camp theme that engages the students in learning as well as Tikkun Olam.  The week long program ends with a family friendly Shabbat that is enriched with the student’s experiences from Camp. 

Bar and Bat Mitzvah

 A Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a very significant event in the life of a young Jewish person and an important day for the entire family.  It is a day which there have been many months of intensive preparation and years of study.   At Temple Anshe Hesed, the Bar/Bat Mitzvah ceremony symbolizes in Jewish terms the passing of the child from intellectual, emotional and spiritual childhood into adolescence.  The ceremony is celebrated by the participation of the young person and their family in the Erve Shabbat service (Friday evening) and by leading the Shabbat morning service.


Confirmation is a ceremony celebrated in the end of 10th grade.  It is tied to the Jewish holiday of Shavout.  The students confirm a commitment to Judaism, to Jewish life, and constitute an affirmation to the Jewish people.

Meet Our Program Director


Hello and Welcome to Gesher!
My name is Erika Levy and I began serving Temple Anshe Hesed as Program Director of Gesher in 2024. 

Please reach out to me with any questions you have regarding enrollment, membership, or any of the programs listed above. 

Email me directly at:

Or leave a message for me in the main Temple office at: (814) 454-2426

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785